Peace Corps Coverdell Fellowship Program
Rolling Admissions for spring and fall semesters– Learn more from our Informational webinars
An Online Master’s for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV), you’ve already demonstrated your strong work ethic, commitment to community development, and dedication to pursuing a truly global learning experience. At Future Generations University, through service learning you can develop the skills you’ve acquired during your service even further.
Future Generations ascribes to many of the same values that are so important to the Peace Corps, particularly empowering local communities to create positive change. Because of this, we are a proud member of the Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program.
“Future Generations incorporates the “I do, we do, you do” approach through community labs. All courses are 100% online and has inspired me to start my own business as a nonprofit consultant.”

The Coverdell Fellows
The Peace Corps Coverdell Fellowship Program is specifically for U.S. students who are Returned (or returning) Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV’s), Peace Corps Response (PCR) Volunteers, or Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP) Volunteers. Its purpose is to enable every volunteer to get a Master of Arts in Applied Community Development at a reduced cost and to apply and expand skills learned as a Peace Corps volunteer to underserved communities in the U.S.
Future Generations University welcomes your drive and is eager to help you become a development practitioner who is fully prepared no matter where you go!
Flexible and Affordable
- Coverdell Fellows automatically receive a 25% scholarship
- Every course is applied: take what you learn in class and put it into practice directly in the community you serve
- Customize your degree to fit your needs: earn up to 14 credits through independent projects or internships
RCPV Eligibility
- Returned Peace Corps Volunteers must have served the full two-year tour of Peace Corps service, with special exception granted for “early close of service”, “interrupted service”, or medical separation
- Peace Corps Response and Global Health Service Partnership Volunteers must have served a total of 12 months, either as one tour or a combination of tours.